Monday, March 7, 2016


Dear Family,
This week has flown by much faster than I had planned and hoped. As usual we saw miracles that we didn't deserve and saw lives change through the power of the Holy Ghost. What broke my heart is that many things were my ''last's'' this week. 

I attended my last Leadership Conference with President and the other leaders in the Mission. We talked about Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Christ, His Atonement. My faith grew as my companion Elder Lockling had the opportunity to teach in front of everyone about Faith.
I planned and had my last Zone Meeting. We talked about how to get to know Preach My Gospel better and how to show pure love to those we teach.
I had my last companion exchange where Elder Jimenez, one of our district leaders, showed me how to use the scriptures in a marvilous way.
I was going to have my last Correlation Meeting with our ward mission leader but it was his Birthday and he cancled... 
I left the house early Sunday Morning for the last time to pick of Investigators and take them to church. No one was home. We went to the CaƱoto Stake Conference empty handed but with hope in our hearts. 2 Families showed up on their own. God is good.
And today, I write my last letter to my family. I can't thank you enough for the love you have shown me for the past 2 years and more.
As I meditated the ''last's'' in our lives I realized there are a lot!! But that only means that ''first's'' or you could say ''new's'' are to come. Mom, you had your last daughter 2 years ago but had the first of the missionaries. We live in the Last Days but we are promised with that as we are faithful, we will be the first's to rise. There are last days in schooling and first days in new jobs. There are last days, as Cheslea knows, as single and first days of newly weds.
There are endless meanings and examples but the one that has been on my mind for the past several days is Christ.

His Last Supper was when he gave the glorious promise of the Holy Ghost also known as the First Comforter. It was also the First time that Christ performed the Sacrament. 
And what gives me the most hope is the Great and Last Sacrifice as described by Alma in his 34th chapter verse 10. ''For it is expedient that there should be a great and last sacrifice; yea, not a sacrifice of man, neither of beast, 
neither of any manner of fowl; for it shall not be a humansacrifice; but it must be an infinite and eternal sacrifice.''
Christ suffered this great and last sacrifice because He loves us enough to give us ''first's'' or maybe better said this time, ''new's'' time and time again. Every time I sin, fall short, fail, lose hope, cry, He gives me a new life, a new opportunity, and a new hope. He only asks that I repent, have faith on His name, and choose to believe. 
God the Father and Jesus Christ live. Jospeh Smith saw them and heard their voice. Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God. His Last sacrifice is the only way we can find new life. The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Prince of Peace, and above all, my Savior and Redeemer. 
I have found new life in Jesus Christ.
Elder Gehring