Well to start, I'm getting transferred. From my area which is one of the most
poor, to Caoto which is in the middle of the city. Its so different. I've been
called to replace Elder Gygi as the Secretary to the President. I'm scared but
very excited. I had a 2 day intercambio with him so I could learn and get a feel
for the life in the offices. I went in on thursday with Elder Gygi and then came
home saturday. Its a culture shock again. But now from my area with dirt streets
and tiny houses to paved streets of the city with tons and tons of people and
with houses that are quite a bit bigger. I start there one week from today. It
is so much responsibility. Basically I will have to run the mission and do the
things that other people don't do. I schedule flights, I make all reservations in
all hotels of President, his wife, his assitants, the new missionaries, the old
ones going home, and anyone else who needs it. I pick people up in the airport,
I help them with passports and visas, I pay the fines that they have, I make
informes for each Lider de Zona and each Stake President. I work directly with
President to help him decide on transfers. I have lots and lots
to learn.
But other than that big news, the work now in my area is going really well.
Elder Garcia is learning fast and always wants to work. He loves to work and
work and work harder. We are getting way better about teaching together and the
work is finally paying off. We see and experience miracles everyday and we have
2 wonderful people that have plans to be baptized this weekend. Next Monday I'll
send photos of their Baptisms and I'll explain their stories!!
For a while I didn't really run into any funny stories about Spanish but
this week we were in lunch one day when the son in law of our pensionista came
out with a huuuuge fire cracker and asked us who wanted to light it off. I told
him I wanted to but we really aren't allowed as missionaries so he just did it.
It shook the house. The windows trembled and you could feel the shock wave of
this thing. I'm pretty sure it would be illegal in the US even in states like New
Mexico where you can buy pretty much any type of firework. The funniest part was
when he came back in and asked Elder Funk and I the name of fire cracker in
english. We realized that it literally means galletas de fuego and we had a good
laugh for a while.
This week too I got to play the piano for the first time in a while! Bishop
Balderama (our bishop) asked me to prepare a special musical number for the ward
conference this past sunday. Saturday fui a la capilla para encontrar una joven
de JAS y nosotros preparamos una cancion para esta conferencia. Tocamos I feel
my Saviors Love. She played the flute and I played the piano. It was really fun
to actually play something other than straight himnos! Sunday it turned out
super well and a lady in our ward came up to me after almost in tears and told
me "Gracias Elder Gehring, yo siento el EspĂritu cuando usted toca." And
for that reason alone, I love and will always love music.
This week I studied a lot about a lot of things but I mainly focused on the
Savior's love for little children. This morning I was reading in 3 Nefi 17 and
I love it all but especially 21-25. The love the Savior has for the children is
incredible and perfect. I then was studying about the plan of Salvation. It is
so true that children under the age of 8 really are perfect and really are so
close to the Savior. I know this to be true.
On tuesday of this week we were walking down a street to get to one of our
appointments when a little girl, maybe 3 or 4 years old, ran from the other side
of the street up to us. She didn't say anything and she looked astonished or
amazed and happy too. She reached out her hand as if to touch ours. I shook her
hand and she ran off. I didn't think much of it but after this we didn't talk much
my comp and I. About 3 minutes later Elder Garcia stopped and looked at me and
said "Ella nos conoce" (She knows us) and I was confused but the he said "
Ella, esa nina. Ella sabe quien somos"
I don't know if she really knew who we were but it was such a testament to
me that children are so close to the Father. This is why Christ said "Suffer
the little children to come to me." They knew He was the Christ. I know that
children are special and preciosos in this life. They are perfect. They cannot
sin, they do not need to repent and through Christ they are saved.
I miss you all, I love you all. I love the mission, I love my Savior, and I
love the little kids in this world that bring each one of us happiness.
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Gehring
This is a photo of the view from my new house. Well what will be my
new house. Right after I took this foto, a firework show started and I got it
all on film. It was my late 4th of July fireworks!
Playing for ward conference!
My comp with his head replaced by the sun.
Dead snake! |
These are pics of a service project we did. And also of the lunch
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